Frequently asked questions

What apprenticeship qualifications are available?
Most of the following qualifications will require an apprenticeship of 3 to 5 years, depending on the qualification chosen and your previous experience. There are no age restrictions and NZ Marine ITO welcomes adult apprentices in addition to school leavers. more »

What steps are involved in getting into an apprenticeship?
There are three steps involved in getting into an apprenticeship scheme. more »
1. Get a job
The prospective apprentice/trainee secures employment with an approved boatbuilding company and enters into a Training Agreement with the NZ Marine Industry Training Organisation (NZ Marine ITO). You can start your search for an approved company here.
2. Learn the skills
Training consists of learning in the workplace, supplemented by specialist courses at Polytechnics/Universities. The employer and the NZ Marine ITO Field Officers support and regularly assess the apprentice/trainee to determine what skills (unit standards) have been achieved.
3. Gain a qualification
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZ Government) and the NZ Marine ITO issue a National Certificate once all unit standards have been achieved.